Murray Bridge
MBCVAWC, Murray Bridge Council and Spirit of Woman are proud to announce the unveiling of a Ripple public artwork, to be located on the banks of the River Murry in Sturt Reserve on Murray Cods Drive, Murray Bridge. A perfect place for quiet contemplation or community events, this stunning artwork will provide the people of Murray Bridge with a perfect space to honour the victims of domestic and family violence.
The artwork has been purchased through Spirit of Woman and will consist of a polished stone block, a commemorative plaque and landscaped surrounds.
This project is a collaboration between the Murray Bridge Collaboration on Violence Against Women and Children (MBCVAWC), Spirit of Woman and The Rural City of Murray Bridge (RCMB). MBCVAWC Chairperson Linda Martin said the public artwork by CHEB was sought to challenge the narrative around domestic and family violence from a ‘private’ to a public issue, which affects relationships, families and communities.The artwork has been purchased through Spirit of Woman and will consist of a polished stone block, a commemorative plaque and landscaped surrounds.
“It encourages all of us to acknowledge domestic and family violence and its effects,” she said, “We can all take responsibility for calling out sexism, having tough conversations with mates and building the self-esteem of our children and young people. “Such a complex issue requires a number of community-wide prevention tactics to complement the resourcing and delivery of crisis services that alone are not enough.”